
Workshop: Borrower finances, financial stability assessment and macroprudential policies

When 18 February 2021 9:15 AM
Where Webex

The Central Bank is hosting a research workshop over two half-days, 18 and 19 February. The workshop will include papers from  ten global experts from central banking and academia, and focusses on the finances of household, SME and corporate borrowers, and their importance in macroprudential policy and financial stability assessment. The workshop will include some early insights on the experiences of borrowers during the COVID-19 pandemic, and will be run under Chatham House rules.


  • José Luis Peydró, Imperial College London
  • Thorsten Beck, The Business School, formerly Cass, University of London
  • Claes Backman, Aarhus University
  • Nikodem Szumilo, University College London
  • Ragnar Enger Juelsrud, Norges Bank
  • Oana-Maria Georgescu, European Central Bank
  • Alessandro Spina, Copenhagen Business School
  • Filippo De Marco, Bocconi University
  • Emil Verner, MIT Sloan School of Management
  • Pascal Paul, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco


Agenda (PDF 246.85KB)

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