Protected disclosures can help to inform the Central Bank’s work and assist in identifying actual or potential harm. This could be harm to consumers, to the firms that we regulate and to the wider financial system and economy.
Every protected disclosure received, that falls within the Central Banks remit, is assessed by the relevant supervisory experts to determine whether the matters raised should be progressed to investigation.
Of the 293 allegations received during 2024, 193 were progressed to investigation while 11 allegations remained under assessment on 31 December 2024. In addition, at the beginning of 2024, there were investigations ongoing in relation to 273 allegations, which were raised in protected disclosures received prior to 1 January 2024.
Therefore, the total number of allegations under investigation in 2024 was 466. Of these, 324 investigations were concluded during 2024 while 142 remained ongoing at the end of the year.
The length of time it takes to investigate each protected disclosure depends on a number of considerations such as the complexity of the matters reported. As can be seen from the 2024 Report on Protected Disclosures, the median length of the investigations closed during 2024 was 42 weeks.