Competitiveness, Reserves and National Debt

Harmonised Competitiveness Indicators

Harmonised Competitiveness Indicators track exchange rate movements on a trade weighted basis and can be deflated using various deflators. These data are provided on a harmonised basis across the Euro Area and are narrower measures of competitiveness.

Harmonised Competitiveness Indicators for Ireland | xls 33 KB

Official External Reserves

The Official External Reserves (OER) dataset provides monthly information on the outstanding amounts under Reserve Assets. These assets by category are: monetary gold, Special Drawing Rights, reserve position in the IMF, foreign exchange and other claims.

Official External Reserves | xls 32 KB Template on International Reserves | xls 40 KB

Explore Official External Reserves In Open Data Format

Gross National Debt

The Gross National Debt dataset provides quarterly data on the outstanding amounts under this debt. The data is disaggregated by euro-denominated and non-euro denominated debt items with a further residual maturity profile.

Gross National Debt statistics are published by the Central Bank of Ireland on a quarterly basis from data sourced from the NTMA.

Gross National Debt | xls 41 KB

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