Exchange Rates

Exchange rates from 1999 to the present are reference rates published by the European Central Bank, expressed as units of currency per euro.

Exchange rates from 1979 to 1998 are closing mid-market indications for the Irish pound, expressed as units of currency per Irish pound.

Note: The Central Bank does not buy or sell foreign currency to or from the public.

Euro Foreign Exchange Rates

Daily / Laethúil 2016 - present | xls 4864 KB Past 5 days / 5 lá atá thart | xls 26 KB Monthly Averages / Meáin Mhíosúla 2005-present | xls 244 KB Annual Averages / Meáin bhliantúla 2001-present | xls 292 KB Daily Laethúil 2008 - 2015 | xls 2297 KB Daily / Laethúil 1999 – 2004 | xls 1478 KB Monthly Averages / Meáin Mhíosúla 2001-2004 | xls 72 KB Daily / Laethúil 2005 - 2007 | xls 999 KB

Irish Pound Foreign Exchange Rates

Irish pound (IEP) rates / Rátaí punt Éireannach 1979 - 1998 | xls 1969 KB