Frontier Statistics: New Non-Bank Lending to Irish Enterprises

A View of New Non-Bank New Lending on the Central Credit Register

Non-bank lending has become an established feature of Ireland’s credit market, with an increasing presence in funding to small and medium enterprises (SMEs). The Central Bank of Ireland (the “Central Bank”) has published research pieces analysing the role of non-bank lenders in the provision of funding to Irish enterprises, as well as its financial stability implications (see “Related Publications” below). This new release provides a closer look at new lending from non-banks, including breakdowns based on lender, borrower and loan characteristics. Similar to the Frontier Statistics series on total credit, this publication is based on data from the Central Credit Register (CCR), enriched with additional sources for a higher completeness of lender and borrower details.

Key Observations

  • Monthly volumes of new lending from non-banks to Irish enterprises are volatile and tend to show signs of variability across sectors.
  • Specialist Property Lenders was the largest lending sector in 2024 Q3, followed by Asset Finance Providers. On the borrower side, Real Estate and Construction was the largest borrowing sector.
  • From a company size perspective, a larger share of Specialist Property Lenders funds went to SMEs, while Asset Finance Providers directed a larger share of funds towards large enterprises.
  • Loans with maturities at origination between 5 and 10 years form the largest share of total loans, independently of the company size. However, differences can be observed in the extremes, with large enterprises having a larger share of open-ended loans.

This Frontier Statistics release page is updated with new data periodically. Historical data can be accessed in the data file at the end of this page.

Key Indicator – New Non-Bank Lending to Irish Enterprises

New non-bank lending to Irish enterprises was €327 million in September 2024

Time series and sectoral breakdowns of new lending from non-banks

Chart 1: Real Estate and Construction is the largest borrower sector

Monthly new non-bank lending flows by borrower sector, January 2023 to September 2024

Bar chart of new non-bank lending to Irish enterprises, broken down by borrower sector. Full summary below in notes.
Notes: The time series shows month-on-month variability in new non-bank lending, which is heterogeneous among lender sectors. New non-bank lending to Irish corporates was €327mn in September 2024.

Chart 1 shows borrowers in the Real Estate and Construction sector to be the largest recipients of non-bank funds, followed by Wholesale and Retail and Administrative Services. The Real Estate and Construction sector shows signs of high variability in the period, which is potentially driven by the nature of such loans, usually of higher value and lower frequency. For instance, during the period, lending to this sector as a share of the total was 42% on average, reaching levels as low as 17% and as high as 72%. This contrasts with loans to companies in the Wholesale and Retail sector, which showed more stability throughout the year.

Chart 2: Amongst lender categories, Asset Finance Providers tend to be the largest lender

Monthly new non-bank lending flows by lender sector, January 2023 to September 2024

Bar chart of new non-bank lending to Irish enterprises, broken down by lender sector. Full summary below in notes.
Notes: The time series show month-on-month variability in new non-bank lending, which differs by borrower sector. New non-bank lending to Irish corporates was €327mn in September 2024.

Chart 2 shows the same series but from the lenders perspective. New non-bank lending flows tend to be provided by Asset Finance Providers, Specialist Property Lenders and General Lenders, representing 82% of total new loans. In contrast to the borrower’s sectoral breakdown, lender sectors shown in the chart capture most of the market, with the Other Lender Sectors less prominent compared to the equivalent on the borrower side.

Key Indicator – New Non-Bank Lending to Irish Enterprises

New non-bank lending to Irish enterprises was slightly above €1bn in Q3 2024

Chart 3: New lending from Non-Banks is more concentrated at origination, while flows diversify in destination

New non-bank lending flows from lender to borrower sectors, 2024 Q3

Chord chart showing flows from lender sectors to borrower sectors. Full summary below in notes.
The chart shows that Specialist Property Lenders was the main non-bank lender sector in 2024 Q3, with new loans worth €398mn in the quarter, while Real Estate and Construction received a the largest share of funds in the same period, with €459mn worth of new loans received.

Chart 3 shows new non-bank lending flows from lender sectors to borrower sectors. Specialist Property Lenders was the largest lender sector in 2024 Q3, extending new loans worth €398mn in the month and accounting for more than one third of total new loans granted by non-banks. Asset Finance Providers extended loans worth €328mn, while new loans from General Lenders stood at €225mn over the same period. On the borrower’s side, Real Estate and Construction was the largest recipient of funds, with new loans worth €459mn, mostly from Specialist Property Lenders. Other Borrower Sectors remained large in 2024 Q3, with €318mn in new loans. Except for the strong natural links between property-related sectors on the lender and borrower sides, lending in 2024 Q3 appears to be diverse at destination, with borrower sectors except Real Estate and Construction receiving new loans from different issuer sectors.

Key Indicator – New Non-Bank Lending to Irish Enterprises

SMEs received loans from non-banks worth €625mn in 2024 Q3, while new loans to larger companies stood at €405mn on the same period

Chart 4: Borrower size is relevant, with sources of new loans from Non-Banks visibly different depending on the size of the company

New non-bank lending flows by lender sector and borrower size, 2024 Q3

Sankey diagram of new lending flows. Left-hand side shows a breakdown of lender sectors, while right-hand side shows a breakdown of borrower size.  Full summary below in notes.
The chart shows that Specialist Property Lenders and Asset Finance Providers are the main non-bank lender sectors in 2024 Q3, while SMEs receive a higher share of new loans than large enterprises.

Chart 4 shows flows between non-bank lender sectors and enterprises segregated by their size. The largest flow observed in 2024 Q3 was driven by new loans from Specialist Property Lenders worth €398mn, or 39% of total new loans. Most were loans to SMEs, representing in fact their largest source of finance by lender sector, with more than one third of loan value. Asset Finance Providers and General Lenders were the second and third largest sources of new lending in 2024 Q3, providing loans worth €328mn and €225mn, respectively. Three lender sectors provided most of the funds to SMEs with close enough shares, compared to just two lender types accounting for a significant portion of total loans to large enterprises.

Chart 5: Other Loans was the most represented loan type category in 2024 Q3, followed by Asset Finance

New non-bank lending by loan type, 2024 Q3

Donut chart showing a breakdown of new non-bank lending in 2024 Q3 by loan type.  Full summary below in notes.
Notes: The chart shows that the Other Loans category was the main loan type with new non-bank lending worth €465mn in 2024 Q3.

Other Loans, which includes revolving facilities, was the largest loan type granted by non-banks in 2024 Q3, with new loans worth €465mn, close to half of the total value of new lending in the quarter. Asset Finance loans was the second largest category, accounting for more than 25% of new loans in the quarter, or €318mn. Mortgage Loans and Term Loans followed with similar values in the quarter, extending new loans worth €132mn and €115mn, respectively.

Chart 6: Maturities at origination appear to be similar across borrower size in 2024 Q3. However, differences are visible in the extremes

Breakdown of new non-bank loans by maturity at origination and borrower size, 2024 Q3

Bar chart showing new non-bank loans broken down by maturity at origination buckets and borrower size.  Full summary below in notes.
Notes: The chart shows that the Other Loans category was the main loan type with new non-bank lending worth €465mn in 2024 Q3.

Chart 6 shows the breakdown of new non-bank loans by maturity at origination bucket and borrower size. Maturity buckets for loans to SMEs were relatively similar for maturities between 5 and 10 years, with 37% of the total value of new loans to SMEs and 36% of new loans to large enterprises in that bucket. The share of maturities under 5 years was slightly higher for SMEs in 2024 Q3. However, this was mostly loans with maturities between 2 and 5 years, while large enterprises received significantly more funds with maturities under 2 years. Similarly, the share of longer-term loans was close but slightly higher for large enterprises. However, most of long-term loans to SMEs had a maturity over 10 years, as opposed to large enterprises, for which long-term loans were mostly open-ended.


New Non-Bank Lending to Irish Enterprises Chart 1 and 2 | csv 34 KB New Non-Bank Lending to Irish Enterprises Chart 3 | csv 1 KB New Non-Bank Lending to Irish Enterprises Chart 4 | csv 1 KB New Non-Bank Lending to Irish Enterprises Chart 5 | csv 1 KB New Non-Bank Lending to Irish Enterprises Chart 6 | csv 1 KB

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