Data and Analysis

We publish and provide data and commentary on a broad range of financial developments in Ireland. Our statistical analysis assists policy makers, financial market participants and the public.

Credit and Banking Statistics

The credit and banking section includes statistics and commentary on monetary and credit conditions in Ireland.

Credit and Debit Card Statistics

Statistics about credit and debit card transactions, including a sectoral breakdown of expenditure and other data.

Retail Interest Rates

The retail interest rates section contains information on retail interest rates.

Other Financial Sector Statistics

The other financial sector statistics section includes data and statistical releases on the balance sheets of money market funds, investment funds and securitisation vehicles.

Quarterly Financial Accounts

The quarterly financial accounts section present a complete and consistent set of quarterly data for all sectors of the Irish economy.

Household Wealth

To present a more comprehensive picture of the household sector, data on financial assets and liabilities derived from financial accounts are complemented with housing estimates and information and with distributional information

Securities Statistics

The introduction of the Securities Holding Regulation from December 2013 has enabled the enhanced collection of data from resident custodians who hold securities on behalf of investors. Read more in the securities statistics section.

Competitiveness, Reserves and National Debt

The competitiveness, reserves and national debt section provides information on Harmonised Competitiveness Indicators for Ireland (HCIs), Official External Reserves and the Gross National Debt.

Insurance Corporations Section

The insurance corporations section includes data and statistical releases on the balance sheet of insurance corporations.

Payment Statistics

The payments statistics section includes data on payment transactions by non-MFIs through PSPs resident in Ireland.

Pension Fund Statistics

The pension funds section includes data and statistical releases on the balance sheet of Irish pension funds.

National Claims Information Database (NCID)

The National Claims Information Database was established to improve transparency in the Irish insurance claims environment.

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