Competitiveness, Reserves and National Debt
Harmonised Competitiveness Indicators
Harmonised Competitiveness Indicators track exchange rate movements on a trade weighted basis and can be deflated using various deflators. These data are provided on a harmonised basis across the Euro Area and are narrower measures of competitiveness.
Harmonised Competitiveness Indicators for Ireland | xls 33 KB
Official External Reserves
The Official External Reserves (OER) dataset provides monthly information on the outstanding amounts under Reserve Assets. These assets by category are: monetary gold, Special Drawing Rights, reserve position in the IMF, foreign exchange and other claims.
Official External Reserves | xls 25 KB
Template on International Reserves | xls 31 KB
Gross National Debt
The Gross National Debt dataset provides quarterly data on the outstanding amounts under this debt. The data is disaggregated by euro-denominated and non-euro denominated debt items with a further residual maturity profile.
Gross National Debt statistics are published by the Central Bank of Ireland on a quarterly basis from data sourced from the NTMA.
Gross National Debt | xls 41 KB