
Single Resolution Board Member for Ireland visits the Central Bank

When 19 May 2022 9:30 AM
Where Central Bank of Ireland, North Wall Quay

The SRB Board Member for Ireland, Pedro Machado, conducted a country visit to Ireland, in order to meet the CEOs of Irish banks, Irish authorities including the Department of Finance, the NTMA and NAMA, as well as senior leaders within the Central Bank of Ireland.

Mr Machado and Ms McGrade, the Head of Division for Resolution and Crisis Management, held a background briefing on resolution topics to Irish journalists. Topics covered were the development of the Banking Union, the progress on resolvability by banks, MREL and common priorities of the SRB and the Central Bank.


  • Pedro Machado, Member of the Board, Single Resolution Board.
  • Claire McGrade, Head of Division Resolution and Crisis Management, Central Bank of Ireland.

SRB presentation on resolvability (PDF 1.56MB)