Investment Funds

Comprehensive information is collected and published, quarterly on all Irish-resident investment funds. The main dataset details stock and transactions, with information on the scale, composition, geographical and sectoral exposures of funds’ assets and liabilities. An accompanying press release outlines the main developments in the funds sector based on the latest quarterly data. Funds data are transmitted to the Central Statistics Office and the European Central Bank to feed into Irish and euro area balance of payments and national accounts statistics. The data are also a key input into the measurement of shadow banking based on Financial Stability Board definitions.
A second dataset was launched in May 2018, providing more detailed geographical breakdown of issues and redemptions of the fund share/units of all Irish resident investment funds, by fund type.

Statistical Release

Information Release Investment Fund Statistics - 2024Q3 | pdf 602 KB

Related Data Sets

ie-investment-funds-data | xls 2494 KB fund-issues-and-redemptions-by-geography | xls 35 KB

Explore Investment Funds in Open Data Format

Money Market Funds

Comprehensive information is collected on all Irish-resident money market funds.  The data details stock and transactions on a monthly basis, with information on the scale, composition, geographical and sectoral exposures of funds’ assets and liabilities. An accompanying press release details headline observations derived from the most recent end-quarter data. This data is transmitted to the Central Statistics Office and the European Central Bank to feed into Irish and euro area balance of payments and national accounts statistics and the key broad money supply measure, M3.   The data also feeds the measurement of shadow banking based on Financial Stability Board definitions.

Money Market Fund Charts | xls 145 KB MMF 1 Money Market Funds: Aggregate Balance Sheet | xls 59 KB MMF 1 a Money Market Funds Debt Securities Held | xls 51 KB MMF 1 b Money Market Funds MMF Shares Issued | xls 443 KB MMF 2 Money Market Funds: Currency Breakdown of Assets | xls 210 KB