Systemically Important Institutions

The objective of the O-SII buffer is to reduce the probability of failure of a systemically important institution. The buffer enhances the resilience of these institutions, which due to the scale or nature of their business are of systemic importance, by providing an additional layer of loss absorbing capital. A higher capital requirement for these institutions acknowledges the greater impact that their failure would have.

Consistent with the purpose of the buffer and the wider capital buffer framework and subject to the related provisions of the banking regulations, the O-SII buffer is fully available to banks to use during times of stress to absorb the impact of the shock to the economy.

Identified other systemically important institutions and associated buffers (2024)

Institution O-SII buffer rate Effective from
AIB Group plc 1.50% Since 1 July 2021
Bank of America Europe DAC 0.75% Since 1 July 2021
Bank of Ireland Group plc 1.50% Since 1 July 2021
Barclays Bank Ireland plc 1.00% Since 1 January 2022
Citibank Europe plc 1.00% Since 1 July 2021
Permanent TSB Group Holdings plc 0.50% From 1 January 2025

2024 Assessment

2024 O-SII Assessment

Other Systemically Important Institutions O-SIIs: FAQs