Themed Inspections

One of the ways the Central Bank assesses compliance with our statutory codes of conduct (including various European directives) is through themed inspections.

Themed inspections focus on a specific topic or product rather than on a specific institution. These inspections are carried out on a number of regulated entities for which the topic would be applicable or those that represent a significant portion of the market share of the relevant product.

Feedback from themed inspections is provided to the relevant sector(s) of the financial services industry formally and the findings from these themes are brought into the public domain through publication on our website.

Information regarding financial service industry themed inspections is set out below.

  • Insurance Companies
  • Credit Institutions and Mortgage Lending
  • Code of Conduct on Mortgage Arrears
  • Retail Intermediaries
  • Stockbroking and Investment Firms
  • Moneylenders
  • Debt Management Firms

Insurance Companies

Consumer Protection Risk Management Frameworks in Insurance Firms - August 2024

Industry Letter - Targeted Consumer Protection Risk Assessment: Consumer Protection Risk Management Frameworks in Insurance Firms | pdf 302 KB

Ongoing Suitability of Long-Term Life Assurance Products – August 2023

Industry Letter - Ongoing Suitability of Long Term Assurance Products | pdf 157 KB

Thematic Review of the Risk Posed to Consumers of Not Having Sufficient Home Insurance Cover – September 2022

Press Release – The Risk Posed to Consumers of Not Having Sufficient Home Insurance Cover

Gadget Insurance Thematic Inspection – November 2018

Industry Letter - Thematic Inspection of Gadget Insurance November 2018 | pdf 430 KB

Press Release - Thematic Inspection of Gadget Insurance - November 2018

Consumers' Experience of the Motor Insurance Claims Process

Industry Letter - Thematic Inspection of Motor Damage Claims Processing - February 2017 | pdf 1597 KB

Information Release - Review of Motor Damage Claims Handling published

Review of Health Insurance Renewal Process - March 2016

Information Release - Review of Health Insurance Renewal Process - March 2016 | pdf 283 KB

Review of Annuity Sales Process - January 2016

Industry Letter - Review of Annuity Sales Process - January 2016 | pdf 937 KB Information Release - Review of Annuity Sales Process - January 2016 | pdf 329 KB

Review of Sales Incentives to Direct Employees of Insurance Companies, Credit Institutions and Investment Firms - July 2014

Guidelines on Variable Remuneration Arrangements for Sales Staff - July 2014 | pdf 967 KB Information Release - Guidelines on Variable Remuneration Arrangements for Sales Staff - July 2014 | pdf 246 KB

Review of Annual Personal Pension Statements - May 2014

Industry Letter - Review of Annual Personal Pension Statements - May 2014 | pdf 1158 KB Information Release - Review of Annual Personal Pension Statements - May 2014 | pdf 191 KB

Review of Sales Incentives Paid to Direct Employees of Insurance Companies - November 2013

Industry Letter - Review of Sales Incentives paid to direct employees of Insurance Companies – November 2013 | pdf 447 KB Information Release - Review of Sales Incentives paid to direct employees of Insurance Companies – November 2013 | pdf 250 KB

Household Property Claims Themed Inspection - October 2013

Industry Letter - Household Property Claims themed inspection - October 2013 | pdf 1846 KB Information Release - Household Property Claims themed inspection - October 2013 | pdf 101 KB

Review of Implementation of Consumer Protection Code 2012 - June 2012

Industry Letter - Review of Implementation of Consumer Protection Code 2012: 18 June 2012 | pdf 1541 KB Information Release - Review of Implementation of Consumer Protection Code 2012: 19 June 2012 | pdf 172 KB

Third Party Personal Injury Claims - October 2011

Industry Letter - Themed Inspection into Third Party Personal Injury Claims: 07 October 2011 | pdf 382 KB Information Release - Themed Inspection into Third Party Personal Injury Claims: 13 October 2011 | pdf 123 KB

Complaints Handling by Insurance Firms - April 2011

Industry Letter -Complaints Handling by Insurance Firms: 13 April 2011 | pdf 168 KB Information Release - Complaints Handling by Insurance Firms: 19 April 2011 | pdf 192 KB

Third Party Motor Insurance Claims Processing - November 2010

Industry Letter - Third Party Motor Insurance Claims Processing: 10 November 2010 | pdf 161 KB Information Release - Third Party Motor Insurance Claims Processing: 19 November 2010 | pdf 155 KB

Minimum Competency Requirements Themed Review - July 2010

Industry Letter- Compliance by Insurance Companies with Minimum Competency Requirements: 30 July 2010 | pdf 238 KB Information Release - Compliance by Insurance Companies with Minimum Competency Requirements: 05 August 2010 | pdf 169 KB

Renewal of Motor Insurance Policies & Home Insurance Claims Processing - June 2010

Industry Letter - Renewal of Motor Insurance Policies: 03 June 2010 | pdf 239 KB Industry Letter -Home Insurance Claims Processing: 02 June 2010 | pdf 238 KB Information Release - Home Insurance Claims & Motor Renewals: 22 June 2010 | pdf 181 KB

Suitability of Investment Products Sold to Older Customers - February 2010

Industry Letter - Suitability of Investment Products Sold to Older Customers: 02 February 2010 | pdf 243 KB Information Release - Suitability of Investment Products Sold to Older Customers: 04 February 2010 | pdf 136 KB Industry Letter - Review of the Sale of Investment Products to Older Customers: 13 October 2006 | pdf 232 KB

Review of Claims Handling for Payment Protection Insurance Policies - July 2009

Industry Letter - Review of Claims Handling for Payment Protection Insurance Policies: 10 July 2009 | pdf 281 KB Information Release - Review of Claims Handling for Payment Protection Insurance Policies: 10 July 2009 | pdf 123 KB

Examination of Sales and Premium Review Process of Unit Linked Whole of Life Policies - December 2008

Industry Letter - Examination of Sales and Premium Review Process of Unit Linked Whole of Life Policies: 05 December 2008 | pdf 261 KB Information Release - Examination of Sales and Premium Review Process of Unit Linked Whole of Life Policies: 05 December 2008 | pdf 100 KB

Examination of Travel Insurance Claims - September 2008

Industry Letter - Examination of Travel Insurance Claims: 28 August 2008 | pdf 102 KB Information Release - Examination of Travel Insurance Claims: 02 September 2008 | pdf 24 KB

Review of Third Party Motor Insurance Personal Injury Claims - January 2008

Industry Letter - Review of Third Party Motor Insurance Personal Injury Claims:18 January 2008 | pdf 132 KB Information Release - Review of Third Party Motor Insurance Personal Injury Claims: 12 February 2008 | pdf 146 KB

Review of the Sales of Serious Illness Cover Policies - December 2007

Industry Letter - Review of the Sales of Serious Illness Cover Policies: 12 December 2007 | pdf 144 KB Information Release - Review of the Sales of Serious Illness Cover Policies:10 January 2008 | pdf 25 KB

Credit Institutions and Mortgage Lending

Thematic Review on Early Mortgage Arrears - 24 April 2024

Dear CEO letter - Thematic Review on Early Mortgage Arrears - 24 April 2024 | pdf 149 KB

Review of Sales Incentives to Direct Employees of Insurance Companies, Credit Institutions and Investment Firms - July 2014

Guidelines on Variable Remuneration Arrangements for Sales Staff - July 2014 | pdf 967 KB Information Release - Guidelines on Variable Remuneration Arrangements for Sales Staff - July 2014 | pdf 246 KB

Research Highlights Positive Experience of Borrowers Engaged in the Mortgage Arrears Resolution Process (MARP)

Research highlights positive experience of borrowers engaged in MARP: 21 February 2013 | pdf 376 KB

Themed Inspection: Sale of Payment Protection Insurance - June 2012

Letter issued to firms who were inspected: 27 June 2012 | pdf 72 KB Information Release - Latest inspection into the sale of Payment Protection Insurance | pdf 228 KB

Review of Implementation of Consumer Protection Code 2012 - June 2012

Industry Letter - Review of Implementation of Consumer Protection Code 2012: 18 June 2012 | pdf 1541 KB Information Release - Review of Implementation of Consumer Protection Code 2012: 19 June 2012 | pdf 172 KB

Review of Implementation of the Code of Conduct on the Switching of Current Accounts with Credit Institutions - December 2011

Industry Letter - Review of Implementation of the Code of Conduct on the Switching of Current Accounts with Credit Institutions: 16 December 2011 | pdf 305 KB Information Release - Review of Implementation of the Code of Conduct on the Switching of Current Accounts with Credit Institutions: 16 December 2011 | pdf 300 KB

Review of Out of Order Activity Fees on Current Accounts - December 2011

Industry Letter - Review of Out of Order Activity Fees on Current Accounts: 13 December 2011 | pdf 423 KB Information Release - Review of Out of Order Activity Fees on Current Accounts: 13 December 2011 | pdf 285 KB

Review of Lenders Compliance With the Code of Conduct on Mortgage Arrears - June 2011

Industry Letter - Review of Lenders Compliance with the Code of Conduct on Mortgage Arrears: 30 June 2011 | pdf 2102 KB Information Release - Review of Lenders Compliance with the Code of Conduct on Mortgage Arrears: 01 July 2011 | pdf 235 KB

Inspection of Bank's Promotional Interest Rates - May 2011

Industry Letter - Inspection of Bank's promotional interest rates: 18 May 2011 | pdf 226 KB Information Release - Inspection of Bank's promotional interest rates: 20 May 2011 | pdf 101 KB

Review of Tracker Bonds' Key Features Documents - March 2011

Industry Letter - Review of Tracker Bonds' Key Feature Documents: 03 March 2011 | pdf 307 KB Information Release -Review of Tracker Bonds' Key Feature Documents: 04 March 2011 | pdf 201 KB

Themed Inspection of the Code of Conduct on Mortgage Arrears (CCMA) - September 2010

Industry Letter- Feedback from the Themed Inspection of the Code of Conduct on Mortgage Arrears 2010 | pdf 431 KB Information Release - Themed Inspection of the Code of Conduct on Mortgage Arrears (CCMA) 2010. | docx 21 KB

Themed Inspection on Residential Mortgage Arrears and Repossessions - April 2010

Industry Letter - Themed Inspection on Residential Mortgage Arrears and Repossessions: 22 April 2010 | pdf 365 KB Information Release - Residential Mortgage Arrears and Repossessions 23 April 2010 | pdf 280 KB

Suitability of Investment Products Sold to Older Customers - February 2010

Industry Letter - Suitability of Investment Products Sold to Older Customers: 02 February 2010 | pdf 243 KB Information Release - Suitability of Investment Products Sold to Older Customers: 04 February 2010 | pdf 136 KB

Minimum Competency Requirements Themed Review - November 2009

Industry Letter - Review of Minimum Competency Requirements: November 2009 | pdf 191 KB

Transparency of Personal Current Accounts - July 2009

Information Release - Transparency of Personal Current Accounts: 29 July 2009 | pdf 394 KB

Examination on the Management and Reporting of Charging Errors - July 2009

Industry Letter - Examination on the Management and Reporting of Charging Error | pdf 319 KB Information Release - Examination on the Management and Reporting of Charging Errors: 03 July 2009 | pdf 39 KB

Examination of Arrears and Repossessions Handling Procedures - December 2008

Information Release - Examination of Arrears and Repossessions Handling Procedures:16 December 2008 | pdf 24 KB

Complaints Handling in Credit Institutions - November 2008

Industry Letter - Complaints Handling in Credit Institutions: November 2008 | pdf 180 KB Information Release - Complaints Handling in Credit Institutions: 24 November 2008 | pdf 21 KB

Review of the Sale of Investment Products - June 2008

Information Release - Review of the Sale of Investment Products: 25 June 2008 | pdf 27 KB Industry Letter - Review of the Sale of Investment products to Older and Vulnerable Consumers: 13 October 2006 | pdf 233 KB

Review of Certain Aspects of Credit Card Compliance - November 2007

Industry Letter - Review of Certain Aspects of Credit Card Compliance: November 2007 | pdf 133 KB Information Release - Review of Certain Aspects of Credit Card Compliance: 20 November 2007 | pdf 20 KB

Survey of Sales Processes of Regulated Mortgage Providers - September 2007

Industry Letter - Survey of Sales processes of regulated mortgage providers:19 September 2007 | pdf 248 KB Information Release - Survey of Sales processes of regulated mortgage providers: 8 October 2007 | docx 21 KB

Review of Payment Protection Insurance - February 2007

Industry Letter - Review of Payment Protection Insurance: 27 February 2007 | pdf 1220 KB

Retail Intermediaries

Thematic Review of Compliance with the Minimum Competency Code and Consumer Protection Code - May 2024

Industry Letter – Thematic Review of Compliance with the Minimum Competency Code and Consumer Protection Code | pdf 334 KB Industry Letter - Thematic Review of data submitted in Retail Intermediaries’ Annual Returns | pdf 301 KB

Themed Inspection of Managing General Agents - November 2018

Industry Letter – Thematic Inspection of Retail Intermediaries acting as Managing General Agents – November 2018 | pdf 302 KB

Press Release - Findings of Managing General Agents Thematic Inspection and Motor Insurance Research released

Results From Themed Inspections - May 2015

Supervisory review programme of retail intermediary firms - 29 May 2015 | docx 21 KB

Minimum Competency Requirements Themed Review - October 2010

Industry Letter -Regulatory Disclosure Requirements and Minimum Competency Requirements Themed Review: 22 October 2010 | pdf 188 KB Information Release -Minimum Competency Requirements Themed Review: 22 October 2010 | pdf 130 KB

Insurance Intermediaries Compliance with Client Premium Account Regulations - June 2010

Industry Letter - Inspection of Insurance Intermediaries Compliance with Client Premium Account Regulations: June 2010 | pdf 288 KB Information Release - Inspection of Insurance Intermediaries Compliance with Client Premium Account Regulations: 19 July 2010 | pdf 102 KB

Mortgages Referred to Specialist Lenders by Mortgage Intermediaries - June 2010

Industry Letter -Review of mortgages referred to Specialist Lenders by Mortgage Intermediaries: June 2010 | pdf 140 KB Information Release - Review of mortgages referred to Specialist Lenders by Mortgage Intermediaries: May 2010 | pdf 314 KB

Examination of Mortgage Intermediaries and Potential Conflicts of Interest - December 2008

Industry Letter - Examination of Mortgage Intermediaries and Potential Conflicts of Interest: 15 December 2008 | pdf 330 KB Information Release - Examination of Mortgage Intermediaries and Potential Conflicts of Interest: 8 January 2009 | pdf 84 KB

Review of Charges and Premium Rebates - March 2008

Industry Letter - Review of Charges and Premium Rebates: 06 March 2008 | pdf 137 KB Information Release - Review of Charges and Premium Rebates: 11 March 2008 | pdf 20 KB

Stockbroking & Investment Firms

Dear CEO Letter - Common Supervisory Action on MiFID II Suitability Requirements | pdf 324 KB Industry letter - MiFID II Best Execution Thematic Inspection - 10 November 2020 | pdf 320 KB Thematic inspection of appropriateness under MIFID II | pdf 114 KB

Structured Retail Products Themed Inspection - September 2016

Industry Letter - Structured Retail Products Themed Inspection: 01 September 2016 | pdf 440 KB Information Release - Structured Retail Products Themed Inspection - 01 September 2016 | pdf 346 KB

Contracts for Differences for MiFID Authorised Investment and Stockbroking Firms

Industry Letter - Review of Contracts for Differences: 23 November 2015 | pdf 351 KB Information Release - Review of Contracts for Difference: 23 November 2015 | pdf 339 KB

Provision of Information to Clients in Relation to Costs and Charges - December 2014

Industry Letter - Provision of Information to Clients in Relation to Costs and Charges- December 2014 | pdf 549 KB Provision of Information to Clients on Costs and Charges: December 2014 | pdf 405 KB

Review of Sales Incentives to Direct Employees of Insurance Companies, Credit Institutions and Investment Firms - July 2014

Guidelines on Variable Remuneration Arrangements for Sales Staff - July 2014 | pdf 967 KB Information Release - Guidelines on Variable Remuneration Arrangements for Sales Staff - July 2014 | pdf 246 KB

Best Execution Under MiFID Themed Inspection of Investment & Stockbroking Firms - July 2012

Industry Letter - Best Execution under MiFID Themed Inspection of Investment & Stockbroking Firms: 04 July 2012 | pdf 1425 KB Information Release - Best Execution under MiFID Themed Inspection of Investment & Stockbroking Firms: 10 July 2012 | pdf 193 KB

Complaints Handling by Investment & Stockbroking Firms - June 2011

Industry Letter - Complaints Handling by Investment & Stockbroking Firms: 15 June 2011 | pdf 224 KB Information Release - Complaints Handling by Investment & Stockbroking Firms: 17 June 2011 | pdf 193 KB

Review of CFD/Spread Betting Firms' Compliance With MiFID Regulations - June 2011

Industry Letter - Review of Contract for Difference (CFD)/Financial Spread Betting Firms' Compliance with MiFID Regulations: 08 June 2011 | pdf 365 KB Information Release - Review Contract for Difference (CFD)/ Financial Spread Betting Firms' Compliance with MiFID Regulations: 16 June 2011 | pdf 96 KB

Suitability of Investment Products Sold to Older Customers - February 2010

Industry Letter - Suitability of Investment Products Sold to Older Customers: 02 February 2010 | pdf 166 KB Information Release - Suitability of Investment Products Sold to Older Customer: 04 February 2010 | pdf 136 KB

Client Categorisation Systems of Investment and Stockbroking Firms - September 2008

Industry Letter - Client Categorisation Systems of Investment and Stockbroking Firms: 29 September 2008 | pdf 94 KB Information Release - Client Categorisation Systems of Investment and Stockbroking Firms: 02 October 2008 | pdf 20 KB


Inspection of Licensed Moneylenders APRs and Costs of Credit - March 2013

Industry Letter - Inspection of Licensed Moneylenders APRs and Costs of Credit: 1 March 2013 | pdf 691 KB Information Release - Inspection of Licensed Moneylenders APRs and Costs of Credit: 6 March 2013 | pdf 293 KB

Inspection of Licensed Moneylenders - February 2011

Information Release - Findings of Inspection of Licensed Moneylenders: 18 February 2011 | pdf 277 KB

Debt Management Firms

Inspection of Compliance by Debt Management Firms

Industry Letter - Themed Inspection of compliance by Debt Management Firms - 27 February 2015 | pdf 803 KB Information Release - Findings of Themed Inspection of compliance by Debt Management Firms - 27 February 2015 | pdf 397 KB

Consumer Protection Code: Thematic Inspection of Compliance by Debt Management Firms

Industry Letter - Consumer Protection Code, Thematic Inspection of Compliance by Debt Management Firms: 31 March 2016 | pdf 249 KB Information Release - Central Bank focuses on the debt management sector - 31 March 2016 | pdf 334 KB

Code of Conduct on Mortgage Arrears

Code of Conduct on Mortgage Arrears Themed Inspection

Industry Letter - Code of Conduct on Mortgage Arrears Themed Inspection - 23 June 2015 | pdf 465 KB Information Release - Central Bank's Themed Inspection identifies weaknesses in lenders compliance with the Code of Conduct on Mortgage Arrears - 24 June 2015 | pdf 309 KB