
Stakeholder Policy and Regulatory Roundtable

When 17 June 2019 3:30 PM
Where • Central Bank of Ireland, North Wall Quay, Dublin 1

As part of the Central Bank’s ongoing engagement with external stakeholders, on 17 June, it held a Roundtable discussion with Irish financial sector stakeholders. The discussion focused on the Central Bank’s Strategic Plan 2019-2021 and related domestic and EU implications. 

The Central Bank set out the key themes of the 2019-2021 Strategic Plan in terms of the Bank’s mandates, with particular reference to the Bank’s focus on culture, conduct and individual accountability, as well as the Bank’s approach to supervision.  The Central Bank also set out the Bank’s activities in the context of the broader EU framework, including the review of the European Supervisory Authorities, the Fifth Capital Requirements Directive, Solvency II, and the Capital Markets Union. 

The Central Bank also raised issues around Brexit, including the implications for the Bank in terms of increased supervisory responsibilities due to changes to the financial services landscape in Europe, implications for consumers due to disruption of passporting from and into the UK, and implications for the Bank’s role in the European System of Financial Supervision in the absence of the UK. 

There then followed an open discussion with industry bodies on the issues presented by the Bank.  Of key interest to the stakeholders included issues around the industry funding model, the Central Bank’s work on culture, sustainable finance initiatives, and views on key EU developments and initiatives.

The following external stakeholders attended the Roundtable:

  • Banking and Payments Federation Ireland
  • Insurance Ireland
  • Irish Funds
  • Financial Services Ireland
  • Irish MiFID Industry Association
  • Irish Association of Investment Management
  • Brokers Ireland
  • Irish League of Credit Unions
  • Credit Union Development Association
  • Society of Actuaries in Ireland
  • Association of Compliance Officers in Ireland
  • Sustainable Nation

Speakers included:

  • Ed Sibley, Deputy Governor, Prudential Regulation
  • Derville Rowland, Director General Financial Conduct
  • Gerry Cross, Director of Financial Regulation Policy & Risk
  • Grainne McEvoy, Director of Consumer Protection
  • Michael Hodson, Director of Asset Management Supervision
  • Colm Kincaid, Director of Securities and Markets Supervision
  • Andrew Candland, Head of Division, Insurance Supervision
  • Mary-Elizabeth McMunn, Director of Credit Institutions
  • Seana Cunningham, Director of Enforcement and Anti-Money Laundering
  • Adrian Varley, Director of Prudential Analysis and Inspections
  • Brendan Sheridan, Head of Funding

June 2019 Roundtable Charter (PDF 221.06KB)

Agenda (PDF 97.89KB)

Attendance at this event was by invitation only