
Conference to inform the 2021-22 Mortgage Measures Framework Review

When 26 April 2022 2:15 PM
Where Webinar

Macroprudential mortgage measures: lessons on design, implementation and effectiveness. Conference to inform the 2021-22 Mortgage Measures Framework Review.

Hosted by webinar, 26-27 April, 2022

Opening address, Sharon Donnery, Deputy Governor for Central Banking, Central Bank of Ireland.


Session 1: Chair: Robert Kelly, Head of Macro-Financial Division, Central Bank of Ireland

  • David Aikman, Director of the Qatar Centre for Global Banking and Finance, and Professor in the Practice of Finance, King’s College London
  • Atif Mian, John H. Laporte, Jr. Class of 1967 Professor of Economics, Public Policy and Finance at Princeton University
  • Moritz Schularick, Professor of Economics, University of Bonn, Sciences Po Paris

Session 2: Chair: Vasileios Madouros, Director of Financial Stability, Central Bank of Ireland

  • Christian Hawkesby, Deputy Governor / General Manager Financial Stability, Reserve Bank of New Zealand
  • Torbjorn Hageland, Executive Director Financial Stability, Norges Bank
  • Ana Cristina Leal, Head of Department, Financial Stability, Banco de Portugal

Panel session: Chair: Sharon Donnery, Deputy Governor for Central Banking, Central Bank of Ireland

  • Patrick Honohan, former Governor, Central Bank of Ireland
  • Marja Nykänen, Deputy Governor, Bank of Finland
  • Sarah Breeden, Executive Director for Financial Stability Strategy and Risk, Bank of England

Closing remarks, Vasileios Madouros, Director of Financial Stability, Central Bank of Ireland.

Event agenda (PDF 473.33KB)



David Aikman (PDF 949.01KB)

Atif Mian (PDF 1.11MB)

Moritz Schularick (PDF 0.97MB)

Christian Hawkesby (PDF 1.91MB)

Christian Hawkesby - remarks

Torbjorn Hageland (PDF 900.93KB)

Ana Cristina Leal (PDF 1.36MB)

Patrick Honohan (PDF 498.76KB)